Оракл має для вас безліч всяких сертифікатів. По Джаві існують сертифікації по кожній версії: Java EE, Java ME та Java SE. Всю інформацію можна знайти на сторінці
education.oracle.com :
Для Java SE є три рівні сертифікації -
Associate, Professional та Master:
Oracle пропонує тренінги для проходження сертифікації, але вони достатньо коштовні. Наприклад, курс
Java Programming Language, Java SE 6 коштує 1064 долари.
Почати потрібно з найнижчого рівня -
Oracle Certified Associate. Тут існує три варіанти сертифікатів, залежно від обраної версії мови програмування:
- Java SE 5 and 6, Certified Associate 1Z0-850;
- Java SE 7 Programmer I 1Z0-803;
- Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808.
Спочатку я думав обрати найсвіжішу версію -
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer. Ціна екзаменів доступна - 50 доларів. Оракл пропонує тренінг -
Java SE 8 Fundamentals (3 200 $ за 5 днів занять). Але потім я побачив, що наразі існує тільки бета версія тесту для Джави 8, навчальних спеціалізованих матеріалів менше, ніж для попередніх версій екзаменів. Це може призвести до невдалої здачі тесту. Це мене наштовхнуло на думку, що може краще попробувати отримати сертифікат для Джави 7 -
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer (), для якого вже існує багато навчальної літератури. За якими саме книжками готуватись - напишу згодом.
Але коштує екзамен дорожче - 245 $. Кількість питань - 70, тривалість тесту - 2 години, прохідний бал - 63 %. Екзамен стосується наступних питань:
Java Basics
Define the scope of variables
Define the structure of a Java class
Create executable Java applications with a main method
Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code
Working With Java Data Types
Declare and initialize variables
Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables
Read or write to object fields
Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference" and garbage collection)
Call methods on objects
Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods
Creating and manipulating Strings
Using Operators and Decision Constructs
Use Java operators
Use parenthesis to override operator precedence
Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()
Create if and if/else constructs
Use a switch statement
Creating and Using Arrays
Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array
Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional array
Declare and use an ArrayList
Using Loop Constructs
Create and use while loops
Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop
Create and use do/while loops
Compare loop constructs
Use break and continue
Working with Methods and Encapsulation
Create methods with arguments and return values
Apply the static keyword to methods and fields
Create an overloaded method
Differentiate between default and user defined constructors
Create and overload constructors
Apply access modifiers
Apply encapsulation principles to a class
Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the values
Working with Inheritance
Implement inheritance
Develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism
Differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object
Determine when casting is necessary
Use super and this to access objects and constructors
Use abstract classes and interfaces
Handling Exceptions
Differentiate among checked exceptions, RuntimeExceptions and Errors
Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow
Describe what Exceptions are used for in Java
Invoke a method that throws an exception
Recognize common exception classes and categories
Для підготовки до екзамену Оракл пропонує 5-тиденний курс
Java SE7 Fundamentals, ціною 2400 $. В тренувальному курсі висвітлюються наступні теми:
Introducing the Java Technology
- Relating Java with other languages
- Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system.
- Describing the various Java technologies such as Java EE, JavaME, Embedded Java SE
- Describing key features of the technology and the advantages of using Java
- Using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Thinking in Objects
- Defining the problem domain
- Identifying objects and recognizing the criteria for defining objects
Introducing the Java Language
- Defining classes
- Identifying the components of a class
- Creating and using a test class
- Compiling and executing a test program
Working with Primitive Variables
- Declaring and initializing field variables
- Describing primitive data types such as integral, floating point, textual, and logical
- Declaring variables and assigning values
- Using constants
- Using arithmetic operators to modify values
Working with Objects
- Declaring and initializing objects
- Storing objects in memory
- Using object references to manipulate data
- Using JSE javadocs to look up the methods of a class
- Working with String and StringBuilder objects
Using operators and decision constructs
- Using relational and conditional operators
- Testing equality between strings
- Evaluating different conditions in a program and determining the algorithm
- Creating if and if/else constructs
- Nesting and chaining conditional statements
- Using a switch statement
Creating and Using Arrays
- Declaring, instantiating, and initializing a one-dimensional Array
- Declaring, instantiating, and initializing a two-dimensional Array
- Using a for loop to process an Array
- Creating and initializing an ArrayList
- Using the import statement to work with existing Java APIs
- Accessing a value in an Array or and ArrayList
- Using the args Array
Using Loop Constructs
- Creating while loops and nested while loops
- Developing a for loop
- Using ArrayLists with for loops
- Developing a do while loop
- Understanding variable scope
Working with Methods and Method Overloading
- Creating and Invoking a Method
- Passing arguments and returning values
- Creating static methods and variables
- Using modifiers
- Overloading a method
Using Encapsulation and Constructors
- Creating constructors
- Implementing encapsulation
Introducing Advanced Object Oriented Concepts
- Using inheritance
- Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding
- Working with superclasses and subclasses
- Adding abstraction to your analysis and design
- Understanding the purpose of Java interfaces
- Creating and implementing a Java interface
Handling Errors
- Understanding the different kinds of errors that can occur and how they are handled in Java
- Understanding the different kinds of Exceptions in Java
- Using Javadocs to research the Exceptions thrown by the methods of foundation classes
- Writing code to handle Exceptions
The Big Picture
- Creating packages and JAR files for deployment using java
- Two and three tier architectures
- Looking at some Java applications examples
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